Sunday, January 13, 2013

GF Bread Flour Recipe

It is finally here!

I have been working for a year now on Gluten Free flour mixes, and I have been promising for almost as long that as soon as I found a GF bread flour blend that worked I would post it.  Well, I've finally done it!

This GF bread flour mix is one that I have created after much trial and error, and it has most consistently produced the result that I wanted.  I was even able to make bread in a bread machine with this GF flour.  I am excited to share this recipe with you all because it was the final step in now being able to put together a GF cookbook.  I am working on some more recipes and will post some of those as I work on them, but now having a GF All-purpose flour recipe and a GF bread flour recipe I will be able to complete my dream of writing a GF cookbook that makes gluten-free cooking both delicious and easy for everyone!

Please let me know what you think as you use this recipe and tell me how you have used it.  The greatest resource at our disposal is community and the GF community is growing daily, so share your thoughts and recipes so we can learn and create together!

And now without further ado...

GF Bread Flour Recipe 
(c) Kristen Arnold 2013.

Yield 8 cups.
*Note: Make sure when measuring individual ingredients for blending sift all ingredients before measuring if using volume, but the best results are produced by measuring by weight on a kitchen scale.

1 cup (8oz.) Quinoa Flour
1 cup (8oz.) Oat Flour (be sure the producer specifies that the oat flour is GF)*
1 cup (8oz.) Arrowroot Powder
1 cup (8oz.) Potato Starch
2 cups (16oz.) Sorguhm Flour
2 cups (16oz.) Tapioca Flour (sometimes called Tapioca Starch)
1 Tbsp  Xanthan or Guar Gum

Blend all ingredients together well.  I recommend stirring in a large bowl with a fork for a first blend then sifting all ingredients together.

*A note about GF Oat Flour: Oats are one of the most cross contaminated products for people such as myself who don't struggle with a wheat allergy but merely have a gluten/wheat intolerance this is less of a concern.  However, I recognize that there are others with a more severe allergy to wheat and even in some cases oats because the biological make up of  oats and wheat are very similar.  I recommend GF oat flour because I think it provides an airiness to the breads it produces, however if you would like to stay away from oats altogether than I recommend substituting millet flour, this will make your breads slightly more dense, but it will still provide a great flavor.

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