Sunday, December 16, 2012

You can never have too much butter!

I love butter so much!  It is truly one of my favorite ingredients in cooking, only surpassed by salt.  I have been using and eating "too much" butter for years.  I used to eat it on my sandwiches as a young girl. And, when I was a learning to bake chocolate chip cookies as a child, I was the only one who wanted to lick the beaters after only creaming the sugar and butter together.  Needless to say I LOVE butter.  So, when I found out there was such a drink that used butter as the garnish on top, I knew I had to try it!  My first hot buttered rum was exactly a week ago yesterday and I loved it.

Tonight, I had the privilege of hosting a Christmas party for my new friends.  We decided to watch White Christmas.  At the mention of hot buttered rum in the film, I commented, "yum, hot buttered rum!"  A friend of mine had said that she was curious to know what that tasted like.  Being someone who just happens to have those ingredients on hand I had to make of for her and myself.  Hot Buttered Rum is an acquired taste I fear, it has an extremely unique flavor.  Well, seeing as I actually was able to serve this drink on the night I planned to write the third and final post in my series of Hot Christmas Cocktail suggestions, I felt it was only appropriate for this to be the recipe that sent us out.

So here it is... no frills, no Kristenisms, just the plain strait recipe.

Hot Buttered Rum:
2 oz. Spiced (or Dark) rum
2 oz. Hot water
1 tsp. Brown Sugar
1 pat of butter on top (will melt to create a layer of creamy foam)
Ground All Spice, Cloves, Cinnamon, Nutmeg to taste (optional)

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